Thursday, April 2, 2009


Yesterday the second of April was the last day of conductors on the buses. On April fools day evening one of the conductors asked us for our tickets back so she could sell them again! Impending poverty creates strange new rules.

I shall miss the ladies. Most of them were at least 70 and seriously formidable. Some have become legends. Two of the girls on the Airport bus, both in their 60s were clearly highly educated and spoke marvellous English. they always went out of their way to help tourists. The company and Latvia should have been really proud off them. One lady on the 21 bus was hilarious. Again about 70 years of age she used to take naps in her conductors seat and if there were lots of people on the bus she stayed put and everyone at the back of the bus got a free trip. I shall miss her. Sadly they are no more and we now have to buy an electronic ticket or pay the driver. But there has been no comment that now all tickets are 50 centimes not the 40 we payed the conductors. A silent 20% price hike.

Spring is here at last. Except in the forest the snow really has gone. The new government is in place and despite not having met the standards required by the President by 31 March, he has let it stay . Not that anyone expected anything else from him really. But we shall see what they can do. The teachers marched in protest today, hundreds of them. One was on television last night. He earns 180 lats a month. You cannot live on that.

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